Weight Loss Excuses Exposed
What lame weight loss excuses do you use to self defeat and sabotage yourself?
“I’m too busy to exercise”
Then move over and make time to be even more miserable, fat and depressed. Save yourself the grief and face the facts that by not making time you have joined the COP OUT CLUB. Move on and spare yourself the membership fee. You are in relationship with yourself for life. If you care at all about yourself you will make time. If not then shut-up and stop complaining about being fat, miserable and how your life is so stressful and darn busy as hard as that may be to swallow.
“I can’t afford it.” “Personal training is too expensive”
Never buy into the “I can’t afford it” line because it’s a sell out that comes at a great cost. Let’s shine the spotlight on the ‘real you exposing the vulnerable part “I don’t value myself.” “I’m not worthy.” “I don’t deserve good things.” .” I’m not good enough.” Not good enough? For whom? According to whose standards?
“I’m afraid that if I’m thin then I’ll….” “I don’t accept myself.” “I’m happy to swing with the victim role to get attention. These are more likely some of the real reasons and true costs of feeling overweight, fatigued and frustrated.
“It’s just not the right time for me.” “I need to think about it some more”
If not right now when? Tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, WHEN? What are you waiting for, more time, reassurance, the kids to leave home, another heart attack, increased self confidence, less stress or for the stars and planets to be all in alignment, WHAT? Newsflash if you’re waiting for conditions to be perfect before you take action it’s likely that you never will. Waiting for everything to be just right is the perfect excuse to do nothing and avoid action.
“If I do this then I have to probably give up that”
That may well be the price you pay. Hang on a minute what exactly will you have to give up besides all your string of transparent weight loss excuses? Uninspired thinking? Poor health? Stress? Poor self image? Frustration? “What exactly is the cost of not committing?” What are YOU getting out of keeping weight loss excuses in place? Why do you settle for less? What‘s the impact of continuing like this? I’ll tell you the answer, because it validates your lack of self worth about yourself, PERIOD.
“I’ll have to ask my partner”
If you’re serious about making changes that are going to get you fitter, healthier and happier you’ll need to grow a backbone. You’ll need to pluck up the courage to put yourself first, to speak up and say that your needs are important without any guilt or fear. Are you comfortable speaking up for yourself? Stop people pleasing and those fears of what others may thing, like you’re selfish, wrong and stupid. Stop being a lily-livered coward, SPEAK UP!
“I’m not motivated”
Make no mistake about it, you remain overweight, unhealthy and unhappy by choice, your choice. So don’t go pointing the finger elsewhere and playing the blame game. You have the freedom to choose to remain unmotivated, not go for a run, eat junk food, sit on the couch, denial and inaction verses exercise, healthy food, responsibility and action. Sometimes you will feel motivated and sometimes you won’t, c’est la vie. The sooner you wake up to the fact that your weight loss excuses are ruining your life the better.
“I’m doing ok on my own.” “I can get the information online and magazines”
If you really and truly wanted to lose weight you would have done so, right? Come on, you’re an intelligent person, if that was what you truly wanted more than anything else in the world and it was so darn important to you why haven’t you done it. I’ll tell you why, WHAT YOU ASK FOR AND WANT IS NOT THE SAME AS BEING COMMITTED TO IT. It’s this simple. To drop a dress size, get a bikini body or a tight tush you either want it or you don’t. You’re either committed or you’re not so stop doing confusion around it.
“But I’ve tried it before.” “How do I know if it will work this time?”
When you use the word ‘but’ in a sentence you’re using it to justify anything that you say or do. To produce your desired result means giving up ALL of your excuses, justifications, triggers and fears. There’s only one person ultimately responsible for your success and that person is you. Failure is a normal part of life. It’s how you choose to deal with the lesson that’s important. If you could never fail, what would you choose? It’s your choice.
“I don’t want to be in pain.” “I’ll get injured”
I’m not talking about your body’s niggles, aches and pains that you continue to tolerate, ignore, do nothing about and use as a centre stage excuse. You say that you want a new body. You say that you want to lose several kilos. Still you don’t leave your comfort zone. Why? Simple… it hurts. The minute you leave the comfort and enter the discomfort zone you experience pain. The PHYSICAL PAIN of breathlessness, burning muscles, sweat. The EMOTIONAL PAIN of a traumatic experience, feeling awkward, fearing what other people may think. The MENTAL PAIN of dieting, level of effort, getting up at 5.00am, yet you’ve got to feel pain in one form or another to experience change. The irony is you’re already the walking wounded in a great deal of emotional pain.
I’m too tired, I’m too stressed. “It’s too hot?” “It’s too cold”, “I’m too old,” ” I’m too embarrassed?” “It’s boring.” “I don’t enjoy it?” “I want to lose weight before I start?” “The dog ate my workout plan…..”
Blah blah blah, all limiting beliefs, all justifications so you get to feel good about yourself regardless of the neglect you continue to show your body. Why do you put up with a life of compromise? Why do you continue to suffer? Why do you keep kidding yourself? Why do you keep using weight loss excuses? I have one word for you, fear. Fear of failure? Fear of success? Fear of rejection? Fear of looking foolish? Fear of criticism? Fear of change? Fear of the truth? Fear of being judged. Fear of your ego? Fear camouflages itself in good old avoidance of you having to do anything.