Personal Trainer Review Deb

Deb’s Story

As a “woman of a certain age”, travelling sales rep Deb was increasingly horrified at what the scales were revealing. A few kilos had slowly crept on during the past three years. “Looking back, I was shocked at my before photos. I was glad we didn’t have a 360-degree mirror.” I realised I had to take control and charge over one thing I could – my body.

“Me, posing naked in my birthday suit. Never!” But I’m proud of my five-month achievements, especially how my legs look. A photo serves as a valuable reminder of where you want to be. It’s a chance for me to motivate other woman of a certain era – to inspire change.

Belinda provided great advice and a wonderful range of exercise programmes. She just knew how to push my buttons. Running was totally out of the question…. yet I recently completed my first half marathon. Traveling out of town meant comforting food from menus, letting exercise go by the wayside. I’ve combated my eating downfalls. I’ve resolved my exercise pitfalls.

I’ve achieved more than I could have imagined. “It’s never too late too change. It’s so worth it.”
