Reality Check on Health and Fitness

When it comes to your health and fitness and taking care for your body what aspects do you ignore, tolerate or show a distinct lack of responsibility? Diet? Exercise? Addictions such as smoking? Size? Niggles, aches and pains? Work/life balance?

You keep on eating unhealthily because your arteries aren’t too blocked yet. You remained glued to the couch because your doctor hasn’t given you an early grave sentence yet. You stick with the façade that you aren’t really that big when you are. You carry on smoking because lung cancer hasn’t shown itself yet. You go on drinking because you think it solves all your problems as after all it is considered a depressant. You continue to turn a blind eye to any niggles that won’t go away as they aren’t entirely making you totally incapacitated yet and you soldier on being a martyr working sixty plus hour weeks because you haven’t had a mental break down yet. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, it’s insane to keep abusing yourself in this way. Wouldn’t you agree?

What the hell is it going to take for you to make a change? Yeah I get change is an intimidating word and you are quite likely to be resistant to it. May I suggest to you that you put on your big girl or boy panties and deal with it.

What good can you be to anyone else if you aren’t in tip top shape? What about the emergency drill they do on aeroplanes? Who do they say is to put on their oxygen mask first? YOU!

Oh come on, do you really think it’s the responsibility of the medical profession to find some pill, potion or surgical procedure to fix you and your poor choices and self-induced aliments when you were the one that neglected to look after your very own health and fitness? Your body didn’t do this to you, you did this to your body.

Your body is your most priceless possession. Why wouldn’t you give it the attention it deserves?

Two Rock Oysters